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The SEO contract does not need to add any special entries about these agency entitlements. They arise from the payment dates in commercial transactions. The parties cannot effectively exclude the application of these provisions.
However, the agency cannot demand payment of a contractual penalty when the client does not pay on time. Even if the agency places such a record in the contract, it will not be valid. A contractual penalty may be reserved only in the event of non-performance of a non-cash obligation by the other party. Now you can click here for the best results for you.
Contractual penalties are a good tool in the hands of the client. It is he who imposes on the agency a contractual penalty when, for example, the agency reveals classified information or delays the start of website optimization.
Form of contract conclusion and introduction of changes
A positioning contract can be concluded in any form. There are no specific requirements in this regard. The parties may arrange the details of the contract by e-mail or include it in writing.
Often parties in written contracts determine what will happen as the contract change will take place in a different form. The final provisions may include such a record:
The contract for the positioning of the website has been concluded in writing under pain of nullity.
Such a record means that the changes that will be made to the contract must also be made in writing. This applies to every change. For example, changes in the amount of remuneration, the subject of the contract, the amount of the contractual penalty. Mail assurances will not be binding.
So if you want to change something in the contract, check whether you do not have to do it in writing. When there is a record similar to the one in the contract, the verbal or e-mail agreement of the other party will not be valid. Everything must be in writing. Otherwise it will not be binding. The positioning contract will apply as it was now.
The termination of the contract for positioning
The agency’s results will only appear after some time. Hence, the contract for the provision of website page positioning services include for a longer period.
A positioning contract may apply:
- For a specified period (up to a specific date in the future, e.g. for 12 months) or Indefinitely.
If the client is not satisfied with the agency’s cooperation, it is important that he can quickly terminate the contract. He will not then pay for services that do not satisfy him.
- For the customer generally, the shorter the notice period, the better.
- In addition to the notice period, the way of terminating the contract also counts.
- The following may be included in the website positioning agreement:
- “Termination must be made in writing under pain of nullity.”
Then only giving a written notice will lead to an effective termination of the contract. Sending a notice by e-mail or terminating the contract during a phone call will not resolve the contract. The Agency will have the right to continue providing services and to request remuneration for them.