How Do You Identify That A Person Has PTSD?

How Do You Identify That A Person Has PTSD?

Before going to how to know that a person has PTSD, let’s be clear on one thing that if you have PTSD, you should know that its not a life sentence. There’s much misinformation about PTSD that it cannot be cured, but this isn’t true. It is proved in PTSD clinical trials that a person can get cured 100 percent of PTSD.

So, let’s see a few things to know if you have PTSD:

  • Avoidance

If you’re as well worried about leaving the house or wanting to avoid specific people, areas, or circumstances, take it as an indication. People experiencing evasion signs and symptoms might discover that they intentionally avoid thinking about or most likely to areas associated with the stressful occasion. While this reaction is understandable, it can make you feel even worse. Avoidance is the glue that holds PTSD with each other, as it perpetuates negative assumptions and eventually shrinks one’s world down gradually.

  • Distractedness

When your brain is slowed down with trauma, it can impact your ability to concentrate, along with your ability to be “existing” right now. You might even really feel distracted or irritable, and it can truly hold you back.

  • Feeling Afraid, Distressed, Or Jumpy

If you’re feeling distressed “for no factor” or having an anxiety attack, make a note. An individual could be tackling their day, and seemingly with no trigger, they will instantly feel very nervous and get scared. Although the individual experiencing this may not understand why something got activated in the brain to believe the person was in threat. Maybe a loud noise or even an odor that advises you of a terrible event.

  • Mood Swings

If you experienced a terrible event, it can influence you for years in the kind of state of mind swings and can become a problem managing your emotions. The individual might fast to snap, may become aggressive, or end up being dismayed in other ways really swiftly. It can also make you so difficult to be around family and friends, and thus friends and family may start breaking away gradually.

Clare Louise