Seeing a dentist in Tukwila: All about composite fillings

Seeing a dentist in Tukwila: All about composite fillings

If you have decay in your tooth, your dentist will usually check if the infection has reached the pulp. When that’s not the case, they will usually fill the tooth with a composite filling. Composite fillings are also used to repair teeth impacted by cracks and fractures. A common procedure in cosmetic dentistry in Tukwila, fillings are extremely effective for many patients. Here’s what you must know about composite fillings.

A quick overview

When a tooth is impacted by decay or has a crack, your dentist will usually clean the tooth and use a composite filling to seal it. There are different types of filling materials, and each has a few pros and cons. Your dentist will discuss the options accordingly. Unlike silver amalgam fillings, composite fillings are tooth-colored, and it is possible to match the color with your tooth color. Composite fillings are more suitable for teeth that are visible when you smile.

Are composite fillings permanent?

Dental restorations need replacement at some point, and composite fillings are no different. However, composite fillings are extremely durable, and you may not have to worry about replacement for at least a decade or more.

The use of composite fillings

Usually, composite fillings are used to fix and repair chipped, cracked, and broken teeth. If you have decayed teeth, the extent of damage to the pulp will determine whether you can get fillings or go for root canal treatment. Composite fillings can also help close the space between two teeth and fix worn teeth.

The procedure

It takes an appointment to get composite fillings. Your dentist will usually use local anesthesia to ensure you don’t feel any pain. Anesthesia is essential when there is a need to remove decay from a tooth. At times, medications are used to treat the decay before using a composite filling. The final step is to place the composite filling, which is then polished and shaped as required to restore the tooth for shape and function. You may experience some sensitivity initially after the procedure, but this should subside soon.

Final word 

It is essential that you keep up with oral hygiene habits and check with your dentist as recommended to keep composite fillings in place. If there is a need for root canal therapy to save a tooth, you will get a crown rather than a composite filling. Visit your dentist today to learn more and discuss whether cosmetic dentistry options are better than a filling.

Jody Greene