Choose data analytics as the career option for growth:

Data are everywhere and people are surrounded by the data. According to a survey by IBM in 2012 2.5 billion GB of data is generated every single day in 2012. And data is growing day by day and according to Forbes by the end of 2020 1.7 MB of data will be generated every single second. So, one can understand how much data is produced day by day. And companies use those data in order to grow their company. The data play a major role in growing the company.
It helps the company to generate more and more revenue through the information collected from the data extraction. This information helps the company to build its product better. Get a successful market campaign for the company and also make the customer support better. So, the customer can get instant and reliable support from the company. That is one can consider the data analyst as their career. In other words, one can also say that data analyst is junior data scientist of the company. and as the data is growing day by day so the growth opportunity is also good in data analyst.
What does data analyst do?
In Data Analytics the person analyzes the raw data. To get a conclusion about the information that the data contains. The data analyst applies the set of algorithms or mechanical process to get the insight knowledge of the data. In simple words, the data analyst interprets the data and get useful information for the company. And that information can help the company to generate more profit and making the company big. The data analyst gets information from various sources and finds the patterns and trends of the data. That’s what basically the data analyst does.
Mumbai is the best place to do the data analytics course
Mumbai can be considered as one of the best places for such kind of courses. There are many Best data analytics course in Mumbai. So, a person can learn about data analytics and can earn more.
Salary package in the data analyst
Data analyst is the subordinate of the data scientist. So, the salary package is less than the data scientist. But the salary package is good in data analyst too. In USA the average salary package is around 60000$ per year. So, it is a good package for a person.