Important details about a marriage license

A Marriage license is a document issued by either a church having the authority or a state authority itself. In many jurisdictions, This document authorizes a couple to marry. This document serves as a legal backing to the marriage, which is about to take place. Simply put, it is the document giving intending couples license to go ahead with their marriage ceremony.
What is the Lifespan of a marriage license?
This lifespan of a marriage license differs from state to state or country to country. For example, in Chicago, the lifespan of a marriage license is 60 days. At the lapse of 60 days, the marriage license expires. However, in some jurisdictions, there is no such thing as a marriage license, and as such, there is no life span.
What are the Procedures for obtaining a marriage license?
The procedures for obtaining a marriage license differs from state to state. However, there are some basic requirements that vary from state to state. You can research your state’s specific laws at U.S marriage laws. Some of these are;
- Means of identification
- Certificate of date of birth
- Evidence of parents or guardians consent when the parties are minors
- Presence of parents or guidance during the signing process.
- Signature of parties intending to acquire marriage license appended on the certificate.
Does a marriage license make one legally married?
In some jurisdictions it does. The mere signing of the marriage license legalizes one’s marriage. However, in some jurisdictions, it does not. A marriage license grants the intending parties the authority to get married. It gives them the legal backing to fudge ahead with the marriage. However, it does not make them legally married. Where the parties do not get married within the stipulated time which have been laid down by the law of that state for them to, the marriage license would expire. So a marriage license does not make one legally married; rather, it gives the person the right to get married. So having a marriage license does not make one legally married in most jurisdictions.
What then legalizes marriage in jurisdictions where the marriage license is used?
After getting a marriage license from the state, and a person goes ahead to conduct the marriage within the stipulated amount of time, during the marriage ceremony, the officiant is required to fill out the required portions on the document and append his signature on the vacuum provided for his signature. After this, the marriage license Is to be mailed back to the location of vital records. When this whole procedure has been successfully carried out to its finish, a marriage certificate would be issued. Only then the marriage can be said to be legalized. In some jurisdictions, however, the marriage license signed in the presence of several persons can serve as a record of the marriage itself.
What is the aim of a marriage license?
A marriage license serves as proof that the couple has agreed to bare each other’s legal obligations As husband and wife. It is also an implied way of telling out who should bear the medical, social security, insurance, and survivors benefit where one party dies. The marriage license serves as the authority from the state to bring both parties together as one in other that they may begin to share each other’s responsibilities and liabilities under the law immediately the marriage is carried out.
What happens when one gets married without a marriage license?
The marriage license serves as an authority given to the parties to get married. In some jurisdictions, where marriage is carried out without the issuance of a marriage license, that marriage becomes voidable but not void. However, in some jurisdictions, A simple pardon can. Be obtained for carrying out a marriage ceremony without the issuance of a marriage license. And in some jurisdictions, there is nothing called a marriage license. No document gets to be issued by the state authority granting couples intending to get married the permission to do so. In these jurisdictions, persons who intend to get married just go ahead and perform a ceremony in the presence of friends and family members, and they would be seen as married by the members of the society. So what happens when a person gets married without a marriage license is all dependent on the jurisdiction of the place, state or country where the persons reside.