My Sister’s Wedding Planning Was a Wonderful Experience and How Did It All

Wedding planning is a creative work, not technical as it sounds, though a little bit it could be but overall it is creative work. I was always interested in such kind of creative work but didn’t know in the starting that I wanted to go into wedding planning. It was during my cousin sister’s wedding that I knew that my interest is in the wedding planning.
My name is Debashish Chatterji, and I am a wedding planner providing wedding planning services in Kolkata. I’m one of the best wedding planners in Kolkata that provide you the services in affordable budget.
Though starting as a wedding planner was not easy, and even I didn’t know whether I wanted to come into this field or not. I just completed my graduation in Science, and during my cousin sister’s wedding, it all happened suddenly that found my path, my career path for the rest of my life. I tell you all how I got to find my career in wedding planning.
My cousin sister’s wedding: my cousin sister Seema’s wedding was Belighata, and for a very long time we had been waiting for this. We had prepared and planned everything for it and hired a wedding planner for it, for whom we were sure he would do a perfect job. But before the two days of the wedding, he said that he couldn’t do the job because he had got some other wedding where he was getting a good deal of money. So he left our sister’s wedding.
It was our first wedding in the house for which we hired the wedding planner but he went terrible. And all were in worry that how everything was going to get arranged.
I took the responsibility: during my college time I used to organize student events and fests. So when I knew about this tragedy of wedding planner, I tried to resolve it. I conveyed my uncle and aunt that I could do it. Because in two to three days it was not getting possible to hire another wedding planner. Even though we tried it. I had the experience of doing college events and I thought that it would help me and it did. The only difference in wedding planning than other décor is that you have to be a little more creative.
How I did the décor of the venue: we didn’t have much time to finish the décor. There were other works too. So my approach was towards minimalistic decoration. For which I used home stuff. Wedding venue was pre-booked and it was not far from my sister’s home.
Empty water pot we used on which we did a little painting, and hang it on the entrance side, and some we put on the garden side. Tassels, unused saris of female relatives including other paraphernalia we used. Some small twinkling lights we hang it on trees, which was giving the wedding venue surreal look.
Cuisine: in cuisine, we had Pullav, Alluerdom, Chanardalna, Narkol Daal, Rosogula, Legcha, and Sandesh including other dishes. The menu was not that descriptive but one of the best and tasty. And for it, I contacted my friend who had been in the catering services. He within one day tried to prepare the whole of the wedding menu, and he did it.
The wedding went awesome and my sister was so happy. She didn’t think that such a wedding arrangement and planning I could do. She thanked me and my uncle and aunt too. From this first wedding planning, I had known that I could do best in it and earned much, and it is creative and always exciting field. In the sister’s wedding some of the wedding vendors I hired from Shaadidukaan, which is one of the best online wedding markets.
After this wedding, I went for formal training. Some technicalities I needed to learn, so that’s why. My sister wedding was a wonderful experience that somehow showed me my career path.